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Sooo I'm pulling together my application, my essay, and my 3 recommendation letters from my teachers and I'm sending it all to UMASS Lowell. It's the college i've wanted to go to since last year. It's a great college, has a great english department. I'm looking to go in Undecalred Liberal Arts and minor in Legal Studies or Criminal Justice. My main goal is I want to be an Editor or a Lawyer. Either one I think I will be set for life. It's pretty scary thinking about my life being pulled all together like this, I mean I have my dad that's been pushing me to go to a good college for as long as I could remember, and I know (without meaning to) he has high expectations for me and wants me to be the best of the best. I have a supporting mother who says "we'll just take what we can and work on being the best later." If I do get accepted, I will be shocked. My SAT scores are 1080 and UMASS Lowell's initial requirement is a 1090, Ten More Fricken Points! I'm hoping they'll make an exception for me. My essay is about how my environment has affected me to be the person who I am today. I am basing the essay off how my parents teaching's have helped me shape myself into being a good person, with understanding and to always be friendly. When I'm done with the essay I'll post it on here.My english teacher and I are working on it right now, tweaking everything out making every sentence perfect. This essay needs to be powerful, and perfect. THEY NEED TO ACCEPT ME! not saying I don't love living with my mother, but you know I'm counting down the days until I can see that letter that say "Katie, we are glad to say you have been accepted to UMASS Lowell, because clearly, Your Amazing!" yeah right..
Thanksgiving is coming up and I'm more than excited because I think i'm going to my schools rivalry football game which is always exciting in its self. and then I get to show off my new baking skills to everyone and anyone that'll pay attention to me. Then I ignore every question that begins with this "What are you doing after highschool..." "Have any plans for the future..." "What do you wanna be...." "Are you excited....." Don't mind me if I just walk away and bang my head through the wall. Anyone else found those questions to be quite annoying your senior year?
There's my apple pie i made after my last baking class. ALLL meeee! ( Sue helped a little.) it was sooo delicious! But other than that, there's another tradition that seems to be happening every year too. This "strep throat" thats much worse than strep, i can't remember what its called. It's like a a step behind Mono. wooohooo. Sooo i'm trying to beat it before thanksgiving comes around next week because i hate not being able to eat on Thanksgiving. Also i think i'm going to prep the crust tomorrow and start on the pumpkin pie Wednesday. I'll take pictures and show you. Wish Me Luckk!
I won't give out my real name on this. It's to distinctive and I prefer this blog doesn't go out personally to lets say college apps. and so on. But I figured everyone's going to get sick of calling me by my username on here. So anyone (if thats mean people actually read this!) Just call me "Katie". Continuingggggg.
I hate disorganization more than anything in the world. I can take it here and there and I myself am pretty disorganize. But when my routine's messed up. I'm irritated. I go into work last night and instead of my usual Saturday night managers. It's Kristen and Matt. Instead of Peter and Tim! Kristen is a loose cannon, she flips at everything and 45% of the time doesn't even do her job (and she's the head manager, go freaking figure) and Matt.....ugh. Disgusting, pervert who's always cursing at anyone that tells him what he did wrong. Thinks he's superior and is just by far the most annoying person ever. So thats my night.
I won't go into details, i have literally talked my mother's ears off just complaining about this one night lolz.
Thanksgiving is coming up and I'm just about KILL MY SELF. I am expected (which seems to be a tradition that won't fade now) to make my Carrot Cake. I enjoy baking soo much. I love being in the kitchen as it is so to make things enjoyable to others is more of a joy for me. My carrot cake is all made from scratch and over time i have added my own touches to it from the recipe i printed it out of from It's a great and easy recipe (that I won't willingly give out..too much pride!) that only takes me 15 minutes of prepping it all together.
I'm also starting to make home made pumpkin pies too. When i say homemade i mean cut the pumpkin, steam it, puree and throw it in a bowl. It's something new i'm trying and i'm learning that my patience runs very low with these like this but i bite my tongue and convince myself everyone will be begging for it later. (i hope soo..) The first time i did the pumpkin pie, it was okay....not what i expected. but thats also because i didn't use a 'sweet' pumpkin. i just used a standard pumpkin and also i used white whole wheat flour, instead of just regular white all purpose flour.I also don't think i steamed half of the pumpkin pieces i put in the pot all the way. But the pumpkin was big and i was at the end of my rope near the end. i puree it which i think came out right. But what I think may be right probably wasn't right.
I also just made the best apple pie ever,I'll show the picture later I took of it. I made the crust from scratch to and i learned how to do the lattice decoration from a baking class my step-dad suggested to me, which was a great classs! My teacher was Sue Johnson, and let me tell you it was awkward enough my friends thinking it was weird I was taking the class, but the fact that I was surrounded by people who have grandkids on the way was just awkward. But I made myself known and it was only two classes but I learned so much. I was always struggling with my crusts and i never knew what i did wrong! Sue taught me that i was always adding too much water or just over doing it. I practiced and my crust came out perfect. I worked the water in gradually for 5 minutes and just let it sit in the fridge until i needed it. I never bothered to chill everything before hand except the water. which turned out to be perfect. And i never time the amount of time it need to chill in the fridge basically when i was ready for it i would take it out unless i even knew it was too soon. But i would leave it in approximately 30 minutes. but i've even left it in over night just to have it when i need it the next day.
Also when rolling it out. They say flowering it will dry it out. yes it will if you dip it in flour. When rolling it out i make sure the dough is constantly floured with each roll i do because it'll stick and pull up and rip apart and more times than i can count end up against the wall because i couldn't stand it anymore. Cakes have ended up that way too when my dogs decide they deserve a treat. The bastards. it's easier than ever now though. i literally drown my dough in flour but it rolls out perfectly and throwing it in the pan is a piece of cake!!(lets hope not Ucky!)
I will also probably write a lot about baking in here. it's definitely a hobby of mine that i enjoy and i love talking about it to anyone who'll listen lolz. So night!
Ugh, so I haven't blogged in years. I used to do it constantly 8th-9th grade. But it was invaded by the enemy and I never returned to it after that. I myspace-d for the longest time, and posted blogs on there but my friends seemed more interested in what pictures I had up and the drama they could scoop up from the comments people left me.
Well to start off I am the daughter of the blogger (haha how cliche' of me) 30 Days of Do. I was reading through her posts and the comments people would leave and I realized I missed blogging and putting my thoughts out for the world to read. So come all perps.
I figured it was more appropriate for me to blog now because I have matured more so instead of typing out how cute I think of this boy or that boy I can actually type out things people can relate to or be interested in reading. I do love a discussion and if you disagree with anything I have to say, speak now or forever hold your peace. I love an argument about anything and I'm not quick to say I'm wrong but if proven so I will give in.
I love meeting new people, it's more of a hobby for me to make sure I am the center of attention a.k.a. the life of the party (not that there's been any parties to be the life of). My friends in the past have complained that I make friends everywhere I go, and they always have to share me to strangers (tsk tsk). It's a habit of mine to smile at everyone and say something nice about them or just ask how they're doing. Curse me if you shall.
But I am not a saint in anyway shape or form. I work at McDonald's and have been currently for....8 months now currently, and I will admit I love my job. It's a very enjoyable job, I tend to feed off of chaos, drama and constant change. I am no fear of change at all, actually I always change everything about me from appearance to slang. and McDonald's gives me my every need in all categories. I work at least 30 hours a week there and I also go to school. The two days I have off every week I try to spend it with friends or my mom or homework that seems to pile up every minute I spend in class.
Sooo I am a Senior and let me say I have totally (let me find the right word...) 'fucked up' the past three years of my high school career. To think that if I just got all my work done and possibly spend at least 30 minutes studying. I could do NOTHING this year. But now, I have 65 credits that I need to make up which means that I need to pass every single class I'm taking. Even those classes that people take to fill up their schedules.
So I have to depart soon for my work, I don't know how often I'll stay with this. But I'm realizing I've missed blogging and just posting worthless shit up that people seemed to enjoy reading. So I will soon be back!